How Not to Do Customer Support.

This is the story of how my internet provider (Telenet) screwed up big time. I have a business account with them so I can have a fixed IP address and a help desk that knows what’s going on. That has worked well for me, until now. Here is an overview of the events:

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SSH Password Guessing (Part 2)

After disabling password login for ssh I was still seeing password guessing. I’m confident disabling password login should be sufficient, but I was still not happy with the situation. I’m not really happy that the firewall built into Mac OS X has no option to deal with this situation.

Presenting SshGuard

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SSH Password Guessing

This weekend I caught a bot trying to get into my server using ssh. Read on →

Printing Booklets With Pdfjam

Recently I wanted to create a booklet from a pdf I created with XeLaTex . I found out that MacTex comes with a tool for that. Pdfjam and it’s front-end pdfbook are the perfect tools for the job.
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Oh My Zsh!!

Since a few months I am using zsh for my day-to-day terminal work instead of bash. If you haven’t heard of zsh before, be sure to check it out. So, what makes it different from bash or any other shell your used to?
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Best Wishes

HCODE wishes everybody a very healthy and succesful 2009.
HCODE wenst iedereen een succesvol en gezond 2009.

Making Mac OS X Ipfailover Work Correctly

IP failover is a wonderful technology. The Mac OS X implementation does have a major problem. Read on →

Kerberos and Load Balancing

Setting up Kerberos while doing DNS based round robbing load balancing can be a pain. Moreover, DNS round robbing is seriously conflicting with the principles of Kerberos. There is a way to get it running, but it requires a very tedious setup. Read on →

Updated Alternative Activerecordproxies With a Rucola Plugin

I have recently updated my alternative activerecordproxy class and created a rucola plugin for it. The name of the class is now HCODE::AltActiveRecordProxy, but this may change in the future since I’ve been mailing with Eloy Duran about merging my changes into RubyCocoa.
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Simple Rucola Console Script

I made a small script to help in debugging rucola projects. It will start an interactive irb session and boot your rucola app in the test environment.I saved it in ‘script/console’. You can use it to experiment with your classes.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
ENV['RUBYCOCOA_ROOT'] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
libs = "-r rubygems"
libs << " -r rucola"
libs << " -r #{ENV['RUBYCOCOA_ROOT']}/config/boot"
exec "irb #{libs}"